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Ladies, you are invited to our annual Spring Luncheon and Ministry Event, which will take place on Saturday, May 4th at 11:30 am at Zea's Restaurant in Kenner.


Our Spring Luncheon is a highly anticipated ministry event that brings women together with the opportunity to connect, inspire, and uplift one another as we “spring forth” into the Christ-designed destiny that is placed upon each of our lives.


This event promises to be a delightful gathering with a delicious luncheon at Zea's Restaurant. In addition, we will have special presentations, gifts and many uplifting messages from powerhouse Women of God.


We encourage you to invite your friends and loved ones to join you for this joyous occasion.





  • Adult: Grilled Chicken with Grits and Sugar Snap Beans
    • Starter: Zeasar Salad 
  • Child (Ages 12 and Under): Chicken Strips and Fries

Dessert: Chocolate Caramel Brownie

Beverages: Iced Tea, Lemonade, Soft Drink, or Coffee

Register Here!